Saturday, 22 February 2025 PL EN | |

One-artefact exhibition - silver hoard from Łączny Młyn

One-artefact exhibition - silver hoard from Łączny Młyn

One-artefact exhibition.
A silver hoard from Łączny Młyn

This cycle of exhibitions aims to show the richness of content carried by a single artefact, which, on a daily basis, shares the exhibition space with other objects. We want to show how much interesting information, specialised research and interpretation is possible concerning each valuable object in the museum's collection. The circumstances of the discovery of individual artefacts, questions about their former users, makers, and raw materials or place of origin, as well as various hypotheses arising around these artefacts, make it worthwhile to learn more about these stories, sometimes even returning to them many times to re-read them. The current exhibition focuses on the hoard of ornaments and silver coins from Łączny Młyn. It is displayed in the passage over the walls of Jan Lubrański, which is part of the exhibition of the Genius Loci Archaeological Reserve.

The exhibition is open until 2 October 2022.


Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
w ramach Wielkopolskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego na lata 2007-2013.