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Basic technical and financial data

The area of land granted by the Poznań Metropolitan Curia to the City of Poznań for the investment is 1002 m2, while the Reserve building measures 631 m2. The underground part houses an exhibition hall covering the relics of the Poznan stronghold's rampart, a corridor with an exhibition of the foundations of Bishop Lubrański's wall and a circulation area. On the ground floor, there is a multifunctional screening room, where visitors can watch a film made in 3D technology, a hall with cloakroom and sanitary facilities. 

The cost of the project was approximately PLN 9,700,000. The investment was co-financed by the Marshal's Office of the Wielkopolska Region within the framework of the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Programme for the years 2007-2013 (Task 6.2 - Development of culture and conservation of cultural heritage) in the amount of approximately 6,500,000 PLN. The remaining part, approx. 3,200,000 PLN, comes from the funds allocated by the Poznań City Council.


Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
w ramach Wielkopolskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego na lata 2007-2013.